Statistics & Research about San Angelo,TX - Trimble Batjer Insurance Associates Llp

Here are some statistics & research about San Angelo,TX an area served by Trimble Batjer Insurance Associates Llp

Phone : (325) 653-6733

Real estate research for area nearby Trimble Batjer Insurance Associates Llp

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Miles 66,900 541 9.7
Eola-Paint Rock 67,600 604 10.7
San Angelo 93,500 681 8.7
Christoval 71,900 1044 17.4
East Tom Green 117,100 845 8.7
Tom Green County 96,200 689 8.6
West Tom Green 154,600 769 6.0
Carlsbad 55,400 346 7.5
Grape Creek 67,400 892 15.9
Mertzon 57,100 799 16.8

Number of old houses in places near by Trimble Batjer Insurance Associates Llp

Place name Number of old houses
Miles 85000
Eola-Paint Rock 36300
San Angelo 68100
Christoval 73300
East Tom Green 89200
Tom Green County 69600
West Tom Green 109800
Carlsbad 82700
Mertzon 56700

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Trimble Batjer Insurance Associates Llp

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Miles 31
Eola-Paint Rock 47
San Angelo 5443
East Tom Green 59
Tom Green County 5680
West Tom Green 902
Carlsbad 34
Grape Creek 64
Mertzon 11

Number of blacks in places near by Trimble Batjer Insurance Associates Llp

Place name Number of blacks
San Angelo 4366
East Tom Green 12
Tom Green County 4501
West Tom Green 343
Carlsbad 35

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Trimble Batjer Insurance Associates Llp

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Miles 112500
Eola-Paint Rock 117500
San Angelo 151400
East Tom Green 76300
Tom Green County 148700
West Tom Green 165300
Carlsbad 63300
Grape Creek 68500
Mertzon 48300