Statistics & Research about El Paso,TX - Thomas Porter Allen

Here are some statistics & research about El Paso,TX an area served by Thomas Porter Allen

Phone : 915-855-4446

Real estate research for area nearby Thomas Porter Allen

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Vado 40,600 403 11.9
Anthony 97,900 595 7.3
Morning Glory 58600 NA NA
La Mesa 95,700 623 7.8
El Paso North Central 155,000 1120 8.7
El Paso County 111,000 695 7.5
Homestead Meadows North 67,900 521 9.2
Butterfield 63600 NA NA
Santa Teresa 158,500 755 5.7
El Paso East 97,900 719 8.8

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Thomas Porter Allen

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Vado 49800
Anthony 87700
Morning Glory 57800
La Mesa 79800
El Paso County 107400
Homestead Meadows North 61000
Santa Teresa 161800
El Paso East 63400
El Paso 119100
Agua Dulce 42900
Sparks 26200
Socorro 71300

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Thomas Porter Allen

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Vado 63
Anthony 192
Morning Glory 24
La Mesa 37
El Paso North Central 295
El Paso County 47096
Homestead Meadows North 272
Butterfield 11
Santa Teresa 185
El Paso East 9803
El Paso 38349
Agua Dulce 118
Sparks 41
Socorro 1424

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Thomas Porter Allen

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Anthony 35
Morning Glory 25
La Mesa 3
El Paso North Central 74
El Paso County 9204
Homestead Meadows North 85
Santa Teresa 46
El Paso East 1892
El Paso 7575
Sparks 132
Socorro 478

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Thomas Porter Allen

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Anthony 150700
Morning Glory 23600
El Paso County 142100
Homestead Meadows North 202800
Santa Teresa 161600
El Paso East 119500
El Paso 156300
Agua Dulce 58500
Sparks 63900
Socorro 98100