Statistics & Research about Seymour,TX - Stubblefield Insurance Agency Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Seymour,TX an area served by Stubblefield Insurance Agency Llc

Phone : 940-889-4440

Real estate research for area nearby Stubblefield Insurance Agency Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Megargel 32,700 725 26.6
Lockett 79,500 818 12.3
Baylor County 71,100 442 7.5
Elbert 61300 NA NA
Holliday 121,300 792 7.8
Weinert 25800 NA NA
Thalia 52500 NA NA
Throckmorton 54,500 435 9.6
Throckmorton County 53,800 478 10.7
Goree 39,200 653 20.0

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Stubblefield Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Megargel 88
Lockett 148
Baylor County 889
Holliday 629
Weinert 50
Thalia 19
Throckmorton 156
Throckmorton County 253
Goree 51
Knox County 669
Munday 240
Seymour 578
Seymour Rural 311

Number of whites in places near by Stubblefield Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of whites
Megargel 250
Lockett 1019
Baylor County 3520
Elbert 39
Holliday 5340
Weinert 236
Thalia 116
Throckmorton 1012
Throckmorton County 1613
Goree 218
Knox County 3111
Munday 1204
Seymour 2950
Seymour Rural 570

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Stubblefield Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Megargel 11
Baylor County 179
Holliday 329
Weinert 14
Thalia 8
Throckmorton 75
Throckmorton County 147
Goree 20
Knox County 216
Munday 99
Seymour 172
Seymour Rural 7

Number of blacks in places near by Stubblefield Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of blacks
Lockett 53
Baylor County 59
Holliday 27
Weinert 6
Throckmorton 2
Throckmorton County 2
Goree 16
Knox County 265
Munday 165
Seymour 46
Seymour Rural 13