Statistics & Research about Ballinger,TX - Morrison & Fuson Ins Agcy Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Ballinger,TX an area served by Morrison & Fuson Ins Agcy Inc

111 S 8Th St
Phone : (325) 365-2516

Real estate research for area nearby Morrison & Fuson Ins Agcy Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Eola-Paint Rock 67,600 604 10.7
Ballinger 65,300 446 8.2
Miles 66,900 541 9.7
Lawn 35,500 428 14.5
Jim Ned 135,200 747 6.6
Runnels County 61,400 491 9.6
Winters 53,900 463 10.3
Bronte 75,000 575 9.2
Paint Rock 37500 NA NA
Novice 88,200 408 5.6

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Morrison & Fuson Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Eola-Paint Rock 194
Ballinger 858
Miles 185
Lawn 80
Jim Ned 567
Runnels County 1753
Winters 560
Bronte 499
Paint Rock 31
Novice 205
Talpa 253
Rowena 150

Number of old houses in places near by Morrison & Fuson Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Eola-Paint Rock 36300
Ballinger 69400
Miles 85000
Lawn 33800
Jim Ned 69800
Runnels County 56600
Winters 43100
Bronte 46100
Paint Rock 32000
Novice 155000
Talpa 34200
Rowena 57500

Number of new houses in places near by Morrison & Fuson Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Jim Ned 326900

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Morrison & Fuson Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Eola-Paint Rock 117500
Ballinger 182800
Miles 112500
Lawn 52500
Jim Ned 119600
Runnels County 139600
Winters 75900
Bronte 115600
Paint Rock 56900
Novice 85000
Talpa 109400
Rowena 264600