Statistics & Research about Olton,TX - Mayo Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Olton,TX an area served by Mayo Agency Inc

Phone : 806-285-2604

Real estate research for area nearby Mayo Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Castro County 64,600 637 11.8
Springlake 34,600 942 32.7
Nazareth 77,200 825 12.8
Abernathy 76,800 659 10.3
Hale Center 61,300 570 11.2
Edmonson 29300 NA NA
Anton 49,200 525 12.8
Lamb County 57,800 623 12.9
Plainview 71,300 558 9.4
Spade 51,800 603 14.0

Number of vacant houses in places near by Mayo Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Castro County 570
Springlake 13
Nazareth 17
Abernathy 115
Hale Center 167
Edmonson 15
Anton 138
Lamb County 1258
Plainview 1463
Spade 44
Sudan 69
Littlefield 728
Olton 146
Hart 336
Amherst 84

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Mayo Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Castro County 41000
Nazareth 87500
Abernathy 116700
Hale Center 31500
Anton 46700
Lamb County 75400
Plainview 68000
Sudan 90600
Littlefield 90000
Olton 76500
Hart 37400
Amherst 75000

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Mayo Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Castro County 73200
Springlake 24200
Nazareth 106300
Abernathy 94900
Hale Center 80000
Anton 66700
Lamb County 70400
Plainview 82900
Sudan 74300
Littlefield 73000
Olton 56700
Hart 55800
Amherst 51700

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Mayo Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Castro County 307
Springlake 5
Nazareth 10
Abernathy 136
Hale Center 79
Anton 40
Lamb County 536
Plainview 735
Spade 3
Sudan 36
Littlefield 300
Olton 102
Hart 75
Amherst 28