Statistics & Research about Coahoma,TX - Henry Norris Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Coahoma,TX an area served by Henry Norris Agency Inc

120 S 1ST
Phone : 432-394-4540

Real estate research for area nearby Henry Norris Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Howard County 63,400 679 12.9
Big Spring 63,300 678 12.9
Westbrook 84,400 513 7.3
Fluvanna-Ira 103,200 385 4.5
Ackerly 32500 NA NA
Mitchell County 56,200 494 10.5
Big Spring North 58,400 583 12.0
Sand Springs 64,200 738 13.8
Forsan 45,400 413 10.9
Lake Colorado City 66,900 542 9.7

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Henry Norris Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Howard County 4074
Big Spring 3368
Westbrook 315
Fluvanna-Ira 185
Ackerly 7
Mitchell County 1438
Big Spring North 473
Sand Springs 153
Forsan 32
Lake Colorado City 324
Coahoma 233
Gail South 89
Borden County 94
Colorado City 766
Loraine 357

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Henry Norris Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Howard County 87200
Big Spring 102300
Westbrook 94200
Fluvanna-Ira 97900
Mitchell County 49400
Big Spring North 71400
Sand Springs 29000
Forsan 26900
Lake Colorado City 84400
Coahoma 88300
Gail South 14500
Borden County 21300
Colorado City 33100
Loraine 59300

Number of blacks in places near by Henry Norris Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Howard County 1918
Big Spring 1869
Mitchell County 956
Big Spring North 49
Colorado City 887
Loraine 69

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Henry Norris Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Howard County 1544
Big Spring 1275
Westbrook 83
Fluvanna-Ira 36
Ackerly 13
Mitchell County 251
Big Spring North 126
Sand Springs 79
Lake Colorado City 79
Coahoma 143
Gail South 32
Borden County 73
Colorado City 134
Loraine 34