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Guy Chaney
State Farm
About : $10 Visa Gift Card for Referrals
400 S Main St, Seminole, TX 79360-5058
Phone: 432-758-9836
Distance: 2.1 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
Has your child ever said something in public that made you\u2026pause? I hope you can appreciate the honesty of the little boy in our new TV spot. .
What will you do on February 17 to make someone smile for #RandomActsofKindnessDay?.
Due to the weather our office will be closed tomorrow 12/28/15. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. If you must go out in this weather please stay safe.
Russell Dial
State Farm
310 N Main Ave, Denver City, TX 79323-3242
Phone: 806-592-3505
Distance: 19.2 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
Check out a fellow State Farmer whos making a difference. What can we do in our community to help reduce underage drinking?.
FACT: If your kid logs 4 hours of screen time in a day, it takes them 20 minutes longer to fall asleep at night.\/NTJ.
Technology has been increasing in our office and has prompted a new fax line. If you need to send us a fax...the new number is 806-553-4237.