Statistics & Research about Sweetwater,TX - Dmi Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Sweetwater,TX an area served by Dmi Agency

Phone : 325-235-4172

Car dealers nearby Dmi Agency

Stanley Ford -Sweetwater

STANLEY FORD -SWEETWATER, 603 SW Georgia Ave., Sweetwater, TX 79556, (800) 773-0527
Phone: (800) 773-0527

Real estate research for area nearby Dmi Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Nolan County 55,200 525 11.4
Blackwell 46,000 408 10.6
Sweetwater 55,100 522 11.4
Loraine 36,500 564 18.5
Taylor County 95,400 749 9.4
McCaulley 67500 NA NA
Blackwell-Nolan 51,400 442 10.3
Hawley-Noodle 89,900 633 8.4
Fisher County 57,600 504 10.5
Hermleigh 93,600 626 8.0

Number of old houses in places near by Dmi Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Nolan County 36600
Blackwell 33800
Sweetwater 34600
Loraine 23800
Taylor County 56300
McCaulley 24200
Blackwell-Nolan 47900
Hawley-Noodle 105800
Fisher County 35200
Hermleigh 87500
Tye 34600
Roby 48000
Merkel 44600
Trent 9999
Colorado City 43600

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Dmi Agency

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Nolan County 157100
Sweetwater 158300
Loraine 38100
Taylor County 187800
Blackwell-Nolan 145000
Hawley-Noodle 163600
Fisher County 137500
Hermleigh 306300
Tye 68300
Roby 330000
Merkel 48100
Colorado City 18800

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Dmi Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Nolan County 158
Blackwell 1
Sweetwater 136
Loraine 22
Taylor County 998
Blackwell-Nolan 6
Hawley-Noodle 56
Fisher County 50
Hermleigh 13
Tye 2
Roby 28
Merkel 45

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Dmi Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Nolan County 72000
Blackwell 34000
Sweetwater 76800
Loraine 27900
Taylor County 95400
Blackwell-Nolan 45000
Hawley-Noodle 100600
Fisher County 60900
Hermleigh 100000
Tye 70000
Roby 66100
Merkel 66500
Trent 35000
Colorado City 60600