Statistics & Research about Wichita Falls,TX - Crystal Insurance Group Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Wichita Falls,TX an area served by Crystal Insurance Group Inc

2207 Brook Ave Ste A
Wichita Falls,TX
Phone : 940-689-0044

Real estate research for area nearby Crystal Insurance Group Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Wichita County 89,600 723 9.7
Dean 105,400 1056 12.0
Temple 49,000 386 9.5
Henrietta 81,400 592 8.7
Iowa Park 84,500 873 12.4
Jolly 156900 NA NA
Devol 33,200 754 27.3
Archer City 78,800 607 9.2
Cotton County 73,700 564 9.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Crystal Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Wichita County 14934
Dean 38
Temple 192
Henrietta 880
Iowa Park 562
Jolly 8
Devol 23
Loveland 13
Archer City 500
Cotton County 774
Windthorst 22
East Tillman 218
Southwest Cotton 107
Burkburnett 1234
Randlett 44

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Crystal Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Wichita County 80300
Dean 19200
Temple 50600
Henrietta 55000
Iowa Park 70000
Jolly 86700
Archer City 82800
Cotton County 92400
Windthorst 102800
East Tillman 62500
Southwest Cotton 102900
Burkburnett 81800
Randlett 95000

Number of blacks in places near by Crystal Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Wichita County 13633
Dean 2
Temple 87
Henrietta 69
Iowa Park 1
Archer City 31
Cotton County 131
East Tillman 221
Burkburnett 230

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Crystal Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Wichita County 6631
Dean 25
Temple 55
Henrietta 287
Iowa Park 444
Jolly 12
Devol 2
Archer City 131
Cotton County 323
Windthorst 17
East Tillman 88
Southwest Cotton 73
Burkburnett 599
Randlett 19