Statistics & Research about Vernon,TX - Cornerstone Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Vernon,TX an area served by Cornerstone Insurance Agency

Phone : 940-552-5484

Car dealers nearby Cornerstone Insurance Agency

Vernon Auto Group

Phone: 866-414-1780

Real estate research for area nearby Cornerstone Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Electra 52,900 640 14.5
Altus South 93800 NA NA
Thalia 52500 NA NA
Hardeman County 44,700 619 16.6
Lockett 79,500 818 12.3
Hollister 18,100 608 40.3
Tillman County 53,700 531 11.9
Wilbarger County 58,800 599 12.2
Frederick 49,600 542 13.1
Fargo-Odell 83,400 668 9.6

Number of whites in places near by Cornerstone Insurance Agency

Place name Number of whites
Electra 3708
Altus South 339
Thalia 116
Hardeman County 3404
Lockett 1019
Hollister 97
Tillman County 6327
Wilbarger County 11315
Frederick 4092
Fargo-Odell 445
Olustee 352
Quanah 2521
Vernon 9371
Davidson 440
Elmer 102

Number of vacant houses in places near by Cornerstone Insurance Agency

Place name Number of vacant houses
Electra 440
Altus South 19
Thalia 40
Hardeman County 670
Lockett 70
Hollister 16
Tillman County 1210
Wilbarger County 1194
Frederick 760
Fargo-Odell 66
Olustee 41
Quanah 456
Vernon 992
Davidson 71
Elmer 5

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Cornerstone Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Electra 75500
Hardeman County 84000
Lockett 110200
Hollister 9999
Tillman County 47100
Wilbarger County 81300
Frederick 27700
Fargo-Odell 109400
Olustee 47400
Quanah 91900
Vernon 81100

Number of blacks in places near by Cornerstone Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Electra 85
Altus South 4
Hardeman County 350
Lockett 53
Tillman County 623
Wilbarger County 1114
Frederick 335
Quanah 347
Vernon 1061
Davidson 4
Elmer 4