Statistics & Research about Abernathy,TX - Cary Mormino & Associates

Here are some statistics & research about Abernathy,TX an area served by Cary Mormino & Associates

Phone : 806-298-2529

Real estate research for area nearby Cary Mormino & Associates

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Idalou 102,800 658 7.7
Edmonson 29300 NA NA
Wolfforth 140,200 860 7.4
Buffalo Springs 85,700 1042 14.6
Shallowater 89,600 764 10.2
Lamb County 57,800 623 12.9
Plainview 71,300 558 9.4
Littlefield 63,900 639 12
Anton 49,200 525 12.8
Olton 60,100 616 12.3

Number of vacant houses in places near by Cary Mormino & Associates

Place name Number of vacant houses
Idalou 162
Edmonson 15
Wolfforth 46
Buffalo Springs 141
Shallowater 123
Lamb County 1258
Plainview 1463
Littlefield 728
Anton 138
Olton 146
Abernathy 115
Seth Ward 228
Spade 44
Hale County 1846
Petersburg 101

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Cary Mormino & Associates

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Idalou 105000
Wolfforth 82500
Buffalo Springs 84400
Shallowater 98400
Lamb County 70400
Plainview 82900
Littlefield 73000
Anton 66700
Olton 56700
Abernathy 94900
Seth Ward 39400
Hale County 83200
Petersburg 49200

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Cary Mormino & Associates

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Idalou 990
Edmonson 17
Wolfforth 864
Buffalo Springs 83
Shallowater 1306
Lamb County 3034
Plainview 5205
Littlefield 1523
Anton 334
Olton 566
Abernathy 549
Seth Ward 213
Spade 45
Hale County 6703
Petersburg 267

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Cary Mormino & Associates

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Idalou 97200
Wolfforth 76400
Buffalo Springs 89200
Shallowater 69600
Lamb County 75400
Plainview 68000
Littlefield 90000
Anton 46700
Olton 76500
Abernathy 116700
Seth Ward 30200
Hale County 66400
Petersburg 78300